What is Computing?
Computing is the study of how to use computers to store and process information. This includes having an understanding of algorithms and programmes that allow the children to interact with and manipulate information.
Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all
John F Kennedy

In the Early Years, children have opportunities to use and explore a range of technology. This begins with our interactive whiteboards, where the children will be actively encouraged to drag objects, draw and use interactive tools on the board itself. They will do this independently and in front of their friends allowing them to see at an early age the uses of technology for presentation. In addition, they will also experience using simple robots such as Beebots to understand inputting commands, which is the first step towards programming and algorithms; iPads are also readily available and children have plentiful opportunities to use them for educational apps as well as using the camera for a variety of purposes.
In Key Stage One children will be learning about what algorithms are. This is explained as a “set of instructions”. Teachers illustrate this idea using recipes, or by breaking down the steps of children’s morning routines. They also create and debug simple programmes of their own, developing logical reasoning skills and taking their first steps in using devices to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content.
In Key Stage two children will be creating and debugging more complicated programs with specific goals getting to grips with more advanced concepts. They continue to develop their logical reasoning skills and learn to use websites and other internet services. Opportunities are provided for children to discuss and create blogs about subjects they are interested in. There is practice in the use of devices for collecting, analysing and presenting data and information. Key skills such as creating PowerPoints and Google Slide presentations will also be used for cross curricular purposes. An example of this is a google slide presentation about aspects of Victorian life that Year 5 pupils will create and present to their class. In Key Stage Two, pupils also have the opportunity to become Digital Leaders. Digital Leaders receive training in online safety which they then promote in school. It is an important role that develops responsibility and safety online.