Letters and Forms
- NHS Information – Chicken Pox
- NHS Information – Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
- Breakfast Club / After School Club
- Amazon Wishlist
- Attendance changes
- Sextortion
- Parent Engagement and Information Sessions
- Working Together to Improve School Attendance
- School Lunches Procedures
- School Dog Tiggy
- Sponsored Times Tables and Non-uniform Day for NSPCC
- Symbols of Faith Curriculum Week 2025
Severe Weather Procedure
Dear Parent/Carer,
There may be an occasion where it is decided to close the school due to severe weather conditions. Any decision made is taken after considerable thought and is based on the safety of the pupils, school site, ability to provide sufficient staffing, pupil transport arrangements and the weather forecast for each day.
At Leagrave Primary School, we follow the advice from the Local Authority that has been issued to all schools.
We will endeavour to text or email each family in the event of the school being closed therefore please ensure we have up to date contact details for you. Parents can also check the Luton Borough Council website, which gives am list of emergency school closures – please visit www.lbc.gov.uk.
Parents are also asked to check our website, where we will post up-to-date information on whether or not the school is open.
Closing a school due to bad weather is always a difficult decision due to changeability of conditions. In the event that the school may need to close due to severe weather during the school day, you will be contacted by email or text and asked to collect your child as soon as possible. Pupils will be cared for by members of staff until they can be collected. We may also only use one gate to enter the school site depending on the severity of the weather.
Please do not phone the school to check if the school will be open as this will block the phone lines. If the school plans to close early because of severe weather we will contact parents via email and/or text. The home page of the school web site will be updated with the latest information regarding pupil collection procedures.
Local radio stations will be notified alongside Luton Borough Council website (see above) although parents should be aware there can often be a delay in up-to-date information being broadcast on the radio stations and their Web sites.
In this cold weather, children should come to school suitably dressed in warm clothes with a coat, hat, gloves, etc.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Mrs E Gillespie
Parent/Carer Consent to Administer Prescribed Medicine
• All prescribed medicines must be in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacy, with
the child’s name, the name of the medicine, the dose and the frequency of administration, the
expiry date and the date of dispensing included on the Pharmacy label.
• A separate form is required for each medicine.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Requests for Leave in Term Time
The Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006 have been amended and came into force on 1st September 2013. Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Requests for leave of absence should not normally be granted for the purposes of a holiday.
The law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Head Teachers have the discretion to authorise leave of absence in exceptional circumstances, and it is only for the Head Teacher to determine what is truly exceptional.
School days are precious; children only attend school 190 out of 365 days. There are 175 days a year that parents can use for any activities other than school.
Applications for Leave of Absence
Requests must be made in advance; otherwise, the leave cannot be authorised.
All requests should normally be made at least two weeks in advance to the Head Teacher by completing the school application form.
A parent/adult with whom the child resides must make the application, even if the child will not be taking the proposed leave with them.
The application form must be fully completed. You will receive a written response confirming whether the request will be authorised.
If traveling abroad, you must provide confirmation of your booking, including the date booked and return flight tickets. A copy of the flight tickets must be submitted to the school reception.
Unauthorised Absence
If you take your child out of school without prior authorisation, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised (which is illegal) and noted in your child’s school records. Leave of absence can only be authorised by the Head Teacher.
Where a parent/carer takes their child on leave during term time without authorisation for 10 unauthorised sessions (equivalent to 5 school days or more), the following penalties will apply:
First Offence Penalties
A penalty notice issued to each parent will be charged at £160.00 if paid within 28 days, reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days.
Second Offence (Within 3 Years from 19th August 2024)
A penalty notice issued to the same parent is charged at a flat rate of £160.00 if paid within 28 days.
Third and Further Offences (Within 3 Years from 19th August 2024)
A third penalty notice cannot be issued to the same parent for the same child. Instead, alternative action may be taken, including prosecution or other attendance legal interventions.
If parents deliberately avoid the national threshold (e.g., taking several short holidays or repeated absences for family events), the local authority may issue a penalty notice.
Penalty notices are issued per parent, per child. Both parents must pay the fine for each child, and part payments are not accepted. There is no appeal process for penalty notices. Unpaid penalty notices result in prosecution for the absence in the magistrate’s court. All adults with care of the child are usually liable.
Failure to Return to School on the Expected Date
If a delay occurs, the parent/guardian must inform the school immediately and provide evidence for the delay.
The school will decide whether the absence can be authorised.
For travel outside the UK, proof of return flights must be provided before the leave. This may protect you from receiving an unauthorised absence and fine if your child cannot return as planned.
Each case is assessed individually, and medical evidence from abroad is not routinely accepted.
Prolonged unauthorised absence may result in your child’s name being removed from the school roll, requiring a re-application for a school place.
Application Form Submission
The application form must be returned to the school at least 14 days before the start of the leave.
Please refer to the school’s Leave of Absence Policy on our website before completing the application.
I hope you will support our efforts to raise attendance and attainment at our school.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs E Gillespie