
Meet Our Governors

Message from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents,

My expectation is that Leagrave Primary School will provide a caring, safe, engaging environment for children to access the highest levels of education, ensuring they can realise their potential and be the best they can be.

None of this would be achievable without our outstanding and dedicated staff; our governing board and your continued support.  Led by Mrs Gillespie and her Senior Leadership Team, every member of our team strives to ensure your children receive a diverse and exciting curriculum delivered in a fun but disciplined way.  A key element of our ethos is teaching the children responsibility for their actions and to meet the high expectations of behaviour set for them.

I look forward to the challenges the role of Chair will provide.  I would like to thank you all for being such active members of our school community and would ask you for your continued support.

With warmest regards

Julius Kandekore

Chair of Governors

Our Governors

Mrs Edel GillespieHeadteacher
Mr Julius KandekoreChair of Governors / Partnership Governor
Mrs Angie Scott-SmithPartnership Governor
Mrs Christine MorrisCo-Opted Governor
Mrs Debbie BastinStaff Governor
Mrs Victoria JamesCo-Opted Governor
Mr John BurridgeCo-Opted Governor
Mrs Nicoleta HagiuParent Governor

Governor Diversity

Collecting and publishing Governing Board Diversity data

Governors at Leagrave Primary School believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and pupils.

Data on the diversity of the board is currently being collected, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. This data will be used to inform recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing board, this diversity data will not be published online, as individual governors could be identified and there is a legal obligation to protect their personal data.