Pupil Attainment
EYFS – Good Level of Development
2023 | National Average 2023 | |
Leagrave 2023 | 51.7% | 67.2% |
2022 | National Average 2022 | |
Leagrave (2022) | 50% | 65% |
2019 | National Average 2019 | |
Leagrave (2019) | 57% | 72% |
Year 1 Phonics
2023 | National Average 2023 | |
Leagrave Year 1 | 91% | 81% |
Leagrave Year 2 | 95% | 87% |
2022 | National Average 2022 | |
Leagrave Year 1 | 87% | 75% |
Leagrave Year 2 | 96% | 87% |
2019 | National Average 2019 | |
Leagrave Year 1 | 88% | 83% |
Leagrave Year 2 | 93% |
Key Stage Two Results
Percentage of children achieving the expected standards:
Leagrave 2024 | National 2024 | Leagrave Comparison to National | |
Reading Expected Standard Higher Standard |
87% 40% |
74% 28% |
+13% +12% |
Writing Expected Standard Greater Depth |
87% 22% |
72% 13% |
+15% +9% |
Maths Expected Standard Higher Standard |
88% 25% |
73% 24% |
+15% +1% |
GPS Expected Standard Higher Standard |
93% 66% |
72% 32% |
+21% +34% |
R, W & M Expected Standard Higher Standard |
72% 12% |
61% 8% |
+15% +4% |
The expected and higher standards are set after the tests have been completed. For each subject a raw score threshold is set that converts to a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 is the expected standard and a scaled score of 110 is the higher standard.
Average Scaled Scores:
Leagrave 2024 | National 2024 | Leagrave Comparison to National | |
Reading Average Scaled Score | 108 | 105 | +3 |
Maths Average Scaled Score | 107 | 104 | +3 |
GPS Average Scaled Score | 111.7 | 105 | +6.7 |
A pupil’s scaled score is based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil scores in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. The raw score is converted into a scaled score. The Average Scaled Score is calculated to reflect the school’s performance.
Percentage of children achieving the expected standards:
Leagrave 2023 | National 2023 | Leagrave Comparison to National | |
Reading Expected Standard Higher Standard | 95% 55% | 73% 29% | +22% +26% |
Writing Expected Standard Greater Depth | 88% 23% | 71% 13% | +17% +10% |
Maths Expected Standard Higher Standard | 95% 45% | 73% 24% | +22% +21% |
GPS Expected Standard Higher Standard | 96% 68% | 72% 30% | +24% +38% |
R, W & M Expected Standard Higher Standard | 88% 20% | 59% 8% | +29% +12% |
The expected and higher standards are set after the tests have been completed. For each subject a raw score threshold is set that converts to a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 is the expected standard and a scaled score of 110 is the higher standard.
Average Scaled Scores:
Leagrave 2023 | National 2023 | Leagrave Comparison to National | |
Reading Average Scaled Score | 110 | 105 | +5 |
Maths Average Scaled Score | 109 | 104 | +5 |
GPS Average Scaled Score | 112 | 105 | +7 |
A pupil’s scaled score is based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil scores in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. The raw score is converted into a scaled score. The Average Scaled Score is calculated to reflect the school’s performance.
Reading | Writing | Maths | |
Leagrave 2023 | +5.9% | +4.4% | +5.9% |
- 0 being in line with National progress
- A negative number indicates children are making less than expected progress when compared with similar ability children Nationally
- A positive number indicates the children have made more progress than others Nationally
Percentage of children achieving the expected standards:
Leagrave 2022 | National 2022 | Leagrave Comparison to National | |
Reading Expected Standard Higher Standard | 92% 50% | 74% | +18% |
Writing Expected Standard Greater Depth | 70% | 69% | +1% |
Maths Expected Standard Higher Standard | 95% 40% | 71% | +24% |
GPS Expected Standard Higher Standard | 92% 67% | 72% | +17% |
R, W & M Expected Standard | 70% | 59% | +10% |
The expected and higher standards are set after the tests have been completed. For each subject a raw score threshold is set that converts to a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 is the expected standard and a scaled score of 110 is the higher standard.
Average Scaled Scores:
Leagrave 2022 | National 2022 | Leagrave Comparison to National | |
Reading Average Scaled Score | 110 | 105 | +5 |
Maths Average Scaled Score | 108 | 104 | +4 |
GPS Average Scaled Score | 112 | 105 | +7 |
Reading | Writing | Maths | |
Leagrave 2022 | +5.7 | +4.2 | +5.6 |
- 0 being in line with National progress
- A negative number indicates children are making less than expected progress when compared with similar ability children Nationally
- A positive number indicates the children have made more progress than others Nationally