
What is History?

History is the study of change over time and the impact of this change on all aspects of society. It gives us the tools to analyse and explain how events in the past have influenced how we live today, and how we may live in the future.

The teaching of History at Leagrave is underpinned by the National Curriculum and delivered through a termly topic based approach supported by units from the Cornerstones scheme.

We study the past so it can guide us into the future, and inspire us to do better.

Children in a class at Leagrave Primary School
Children in a class at Leagrave Primary School


In Early Years, children develop a sense of self, and think about their own personal histories as well as commemorating key events. They develop an awareness that there may be differences between the past and present, and begin to use language related to time, for example when learning about their grandparents or how places may have changed.

In Key Stage One, pupils develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. They also begin to build their sense of chronology as they investigate events and people from the past and learn to recognise similarities and differences with their own experiences and the present time. Significant people from the past are studied as part of several topics but also as a focus in initiatives such as Black History Month, Science and STEM events, which are explored across all year groups. The ‘Amazing People’ project helps to link these significant historical figures to our school values.

In Key Stage Two, topics are planned to deliver a broadly sequential progression through British, local and world history, enabling children to make connections and construct a secure chronological framework around the periods studied. Years Three and Four study the periods from Stone Age Britain through to 1066, whilst Years Five and Six broaden coverage to include ancient civilizations worldwide, and more detailed thematic topics.

The study of History at Leagrave is enhanced through the use of many primary and secondary resources such as diaries, artefacts and photographs. We also use drama workshops, themed days and special events to help enhance learning. Visits are planned to support topics and include such destinations as a Stone Age camp, Warwick Castle and The RAF Museum in Hendon. Our week of study based around Remembrance is a particular highlight of the academic year, where all year groups contribute to a display of work on show at our annual Remembrance service.