Online Safety
The online world is a wonderful place for children to explore, but just like the real world there are risks and dangers they should be aware of and which we should all act to protect them from. It is great to take an active interest in your child’s life online and we would encourage you to talk openly with them about the things they do.
The making of this video was commissioned by the school to address online bullying.
Always tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried.
Some online websites have an ‘alert button’ or an email address where you can tell them that you are upset about something or someone. Do not forget you can always log-off and leave the website. The same rule applies if you are upset or worried by anything when using your mobile.
Do not give out your personal information
Keep your full name, address, mobile number,email address, school name and friends’ full names secret. Otherwise people can use this information to contact you. Your passwords and usernames should be secret. If you have to give an online screen name or nickname, never use your full name, and try not to use things that are easy to guess like your parents name or a pet’s name. When you send a message from your mobile, your phone number automatically goes with it. So think carefully, especially before sending photos of yourself or friends.
Never meet up with an online friend
Never arrange to meet an online friend, no matter how well you think you know them. If you are determined to meet them you should always tell a parent or teacher and make sure they go with you. The same rule applies to friends you meet over your mobile.
Do not open junk mail
If they have your email address some websites will send you lots of junk emails and they might make you feel uncomfortable. This is called spamming. Delete any emails from people or companies that you do not know. If you open an email that says unpleasant things, you must tell a trusted adult straightaway – and do not reply to it. Accepting text messages, or opening links / files on your mobile from people you do not know, can get you into trouble. They may contain nasty pictures or messages, cost you a lot of money, or even change the settings on your phone.
Beware: People might not be who they say they are
Messageboards and chat rooms are fun, but they can also be dangerous because you do not know who you are talking to. Remember: ‘Stranger Danger’ – you should use the same rules when you are online. Someone sending you a message on your mobile may not be who they say they are.