Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education
What is SMSC?
SMSC stands for social, moral, spiritual and cultural education. SMSC is a dimension of the whole school experience which makes the curriculum relevant, stimulating, creative and fun. It enriches each subject and the ethos of the school and is an essential ingredient of school success.
The best cultural education can change a young person's sense of the wider world around them, opening up possibilities for their future that may have previously seemed outside of their grasp.
Darren Henley

What does SMSC look like at Leagrave?
At Leagrave, we are committed to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the children. We aim to prepare them to take a full role in society as happy, confident individuals and good citizens.
The development of our spiritual, moral, social, cultural and British Values is a key aspect of our curriculum and is woven through our school ethos and daily life. Through our long/medium term planning, together with enriching experiences, children have the opportunity to explore values and beliefs, including different religions, and the way in which they impact on peoples’ lives.
Our Behaviour Policy equips our children to be reflective, enabling children to develop an understanding of their own and others’ feelings and emotions and the way in which our actions impact on other people.
Assemblies and Collective Worship at Leagrave are both spiritual and educational and are recognised as having a major contribution to the spiritual and moral development of all our pupils.
Through Collective Worship we provide: an all-inclusive opportunity to build and reinforce community values; reflect on and understand elements of life which are of value and worth; a variety of opportunities for spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development; opportunities for expressing shared experiences and interests and for celebrating special occasions together; and opportunities in which pupils report on their interactions with other year groups, staff and guests from the wider community.

We want children to:
- Be respectful and reflective about their own beliefs, and those of others locally, nationally and globally;
- Be informed and fascinated by diversity;
- Be imaginative and creative;
- Recognise right and wrong, understand the consequences of their actions, and respect the law;
- Be able to discuss ethical and moral issues in a reasoned manner;
- Use social skills in a range of situations;
- Want to help others in the immediate and wider communities;
- Demonstrate an understanding of, and commitment to, the principles of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and tolerance of others (sometimes referred to as ‘British Values’);
- Appreciate that there are many cultures, all of which are shaped by others and which continuously develop and interlink in modern Britain;
- Have a basic understanding of the parliamentary system of government;
- Have opportunities to take part in a wide range of cultural activities, such as sport, drama, art, dance and music;
- Have opportunities to meet different people and find out about different careers and choices.