Investors in Pupils
What is Investors in Pupils?
Investors in Pupils is a programme designed to develop embed and enhance Pupil Voice in school. It offers the school a framework for involving pupils in decision making and developing responsibility and leadership. It empowers all pupils, increases motivation and therefore raises achievement.
Everyone finds their voice at different times in their life.
Lilly Singh

We are proud to report that we achieved the Investors in Pupils award in 2018 and 2023.
Our assessor made the following comments:
- We have well-behaved, polite and charming pupils, all of whom showed a genuine desire to converse, help and make visitors feel very welcome
- Our School Council is a major strength of the school, with a particular mention of their work for fundraising for a variety of charities
- We place a great emphasis on the children knowing they are all unique and celebrating this
- We have good attendance and punctuality and pupils are able to acknowledge the importance of this on their education
This award recognises how hard we strive to empower our pupils to use their voice for the purpose of positive change.
Thank you to the pupils, staff, governors and parents for their hard work.